close to the Sunny Brae Crescent river bank
towards to mouth of Motions Creek. What is
reveled here is very old rubbish possibly
disposed from residents over 30 years ago.
From old cars and tyres, old washing machine
to building wastes some of which could be
On the way back home I bumped into a resident
of Sunny Brae Crescent, he told me that 30 years
ago that the creek was crystal clear and was clear
of mangroves. I am seeing a picture here that the
mangroves have caused the huge build up of
silt/mud, some of which is up to my knee deep.
I also speculate that the mangroves will in time
choke Motions Creek unless something very
radical is instigated to deal with the ever
expanding mangrove.
What I also speculate is that the mangrove is
working as a trap for all the rubbish
that goes into Motions Creek. These mangroves
need to be opened up and the mud dredged
to allow a better flow of Motions Creek.
since I checked your blog. Ina te mahi he rangatira, he who works is indeed chiefly!Love how you walk the talk. Mauri Ora
I lived in Sunny Brae Crescent from 1959 to 1977, and I can assure you that during those years Motions Creek was one of the most polluted waterways flowing in to the Waitemata Harbour. It was almost as bad as Coxes Creek, but the council never put up NO BATHING POLLUTED WATER signs because Motions wasn't used enough.
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